How To Ranking Your Fiverr Gig for best-selling

How To Ranking Your Fiverr Gig for best-selling

Good rankings are important if you want to make a living from a search.

This is why you are not trying to rank on Google or Fiverr.

If your Fiverr gig is instantly visible to anyone searching for your service, you'll get a lot more sales than if your gig ranks poor.

How To Ranking Your Fiverr Gig for best-selling

Fiverr has not fully disclosed how they rank gigs, but it is known that factors such as reviews, your gig conversion rate, and your title and description affect all factors in your Fiverr ranking.

To rank your Fiverr gig best, you need to do the following:

1. Optimize your gig title

When someone searches for Fiverr, they will see your gig title first.

If your title is not different, they will not click on it and you will not get a chance to sell.

Your title should do different things:

Be specific - say 'I will write content for your site' instead of 'I will write content about cryptocurrency and digital marketing.

Use expressive language - Instead of saying 'I'll design a logo for your site', say 'I'll design an impressive logo that will catch the eye'.

Be Keyword-Targeted - Make sure you're using a keyword that people search for in your title, you can use Google Trends or Surfer SEO extensions to check keyword volume on Google. 

2. Optimize your gig details

Your gig details should not only tell you what to do but should force the reader to take action.

Follow these rules when writing your Fiverr gig details:

Include your target service keywords in your description.

Explain why your service is better than similar competing services available on Fiverr

Showcase your experience, tell them what you've done in the past, and show previous work (if possible).

Personalize your service by talking directly to customers with words like "you" and "your business."

3. Get positive reviews

One of the things that Fiverr considers when gig ranking is your review.

Be sure to ask your clients to do a review after receiving their finished product or service.

If you have a lot of negative reviews, it will be very difficult for your gig to rank well.

So make sure clients are happy and if there is a problem with their order, make sure you fix it so they are satisfied and ready to give you a brilliant review!

4. Select the correct category

Fiverr categories are very important and you should choose the one that is most relevant to your gig.

Fiverr has over 250 service segments so it's hard to narrow down which segment your gig should go to.

Spend time looking at the category that fits your gig and go with the category that has the gig like your ranking top.

5. Optimize your search tags

Be sure to add relevant search tags to your gig.

The Fiverr search tag is a keyword that is added to gigs to help gigs appear in relevant searches.

So adding these helps your site to appear in front of people who are interested in your services

However, avoid adding irrelevant tags as this can negatively affect your Fiverr ranking for your target service keywords.

6. Use high-quality pictures

The number of Fiverr views and more views usually gig rank by a higher ranking.

This is why it is so important to use high-quality images that entice viewers to click on your gig.

High-quality images convert better than low-quality images so you get more sales if you get people to click on your gig image.

Take the time to design a high-quality gig image that measures exactly 550 pixels x 370 pixels using a service like Canva… or you can pay someone on Fiverr to do it for you!

7. Promote your gig

It’s a good idea to promote your gig instead of waiting for it to rank organically.

If you have a blog or a reasonable social media following, tweeting about your new Fiverr gig or sharing it on Facebook can bring much-needed traffic to your gig which will help improve your gig ranking.

8. Respond to the message immediately

If someone sends you a message, confirm the immediate response.

People appreciate it when they can easily contact the seller and if you don’t answer they can go to a competitor.

High user engagement levels will help improve your Fiverr gig rank so it's important to respond immediately to messages.

9. Review the statistics

Fiverr provides simple statistics on how your gigs are performing.

To view this login and go to the Sales menu and then select Gig.

Here you can see such data:

Impressions: This is how many times your gig has appeared in Fiverr's thumbnails.

Clicks: This is the number of clicks after the user has visited.

Order: This is the total number of orders purchased from this gig.

Cancellation: This is the number of cancellations divided by the number of orders from this gig or the number of cancellation orders of all types.

Social Gig View: This is the number of views on social media.

Conversion rate: This is the average of the total impressions divided by the order.

If you have a few gigs, you can see which gigs are performing well. If you have gigs with high conversion rates and high click rates, try to emulate them when creating a new gig.

If you have more gig impressions but fewer clicks, consider changing the title and image for more clicks.

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