What Is Label? - Product Label Types & Importance

 A product label stands for a display of written, printed, or graphic material that is printed or attached to a product or its immediate container. The full alert will appear in the form of at least a 6-point type and not smaller than the largest type size used for other consumer information on the product. Product labels or otherwise delivered directly to each unit of product through California in-store retail outlets or sold online to mail-order catalogs and/or to California customers or consumers. 

What Is Label? - Product Label Types & Importance

What Is Label? - Product Label Types & Importance

Product label or "product label" means respect for a particular pharmaceutical product and a specific country. A product label means a label issued by or on behalf of the licensing company to the licensee which includes the registration logo and other information specified in the product label guide. The reference here is to "placing" or "attaching" a label on a product-required product or a product label, and its variants include attaching product labels to the packaging for end-users containing PCs (e.g., off-the-shelf retail packaging), and PCs. Not by itself.

The term "product label" is a general term used to refer to printed information associated with a product (usually a retail product) communicated from the manufacturer to the consumer or other users.


The primary purpose of a product label is to identify the type, size, brand, product line, manufacturer, and other product-specific information so that the consumer can be informed and the purchase can be encouraged.


When the term "product label" is used in the context of food, it can also refer to the nutritional information contained in the food packaging. In the United States, like in many countries, a list of basic nutritional information and ingredients must be present in the packaging.


Additional regulations exist for the labeling of pharmaceutical products. In most countries, product labels require information on active and inactive ingredients, concentrations of active ingredients, and the presence of habit-forming substances.


Product labels can be made from different materials. Common materials include paper or cardboard (often attached to plastic, yarn, or metal staples), cloth, metal (often aluminum), and plastic.


The laws governing the use of product labels, and the information printed on them, vary significantly from country to country and generally depend on the type of product. However, the law generally prohibits product labels from being false or exaggerated, or intentionally misleading consumers.

Whenever you create a product, you want to let customers know the price of the product. One way to do this is to use product labeling. Product labeling has become a means of communication between brands and consumers. Product labeling contains very important information that is printed on the product packaging.

What is product labeling?

Product labels are a part of product packaging. Labeling is the written information of the package. These written labels on the package cover important information that a customer needs to know. Product labels differ from packaging. The packaging of a product may have the brand's color, logo, and material as well as the shape of the package. The product is an informative / written part.

Example - A food product like Maggie Noodles may contain the ingredients of the product as well as instructions on how the product can be written and illustrated on the package. These guidelines are nothing more than product labeling by brand.

Product labeling can be as short as one or two lines on the back of the product. Or it could be that the entire back of the product is filled with written information. If you choose a shampoo, you will find a lot of information about the location of the product, customer service, ingredients, way of application, safety instructions, and whatnot.

All of these label requirements come from regulatory agencies. There are numerous regulatory bodies for all products. Thus, the regulator and regulatory body for food products are the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Even for cosmetics, the FDA may determine labeling requirements. This link shows the need to label products for cosmetics in the United States designed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Therefore, any new product on the market must comply with the packaging and labeling guidelines of their country's regulatory bodies.

The importance of a product label

1) Brand and product identity

The product label is the identity of the primary product. The product name and brand itself have been considered part of the product labeling and the labels of these products form the brand identity.

Example - HUL usually refers to its own original brand in all its products because it wants to remind customers that their products are under HUL's umbrella branding and not independent. In addition, disclosing the original brand with the sub-brand may be a legal requirement.

2) Grade and type

There are different types of each Sunsilk Shampoo. In addition to changing product design and packaging styles, they also change shampoo labels. Some of them will say shampoo anti-dandruff shampoo while others will say smooth silk. Thus, product labeling can be used to differentiate between different grades and product types.

If you want to buy beer, specify whether the beer is strong or light. This is the grade of beer or beverage you are buying. Similarly, even the packaged food industry usually uses different grades to differentiate its products.

3) Requirements by law

As mentioned above, there are many labeling requirements that can be specified by a regulatory body. Some of them include very common components, manufacturing factory, batch number, expiration date, MRP, safety instructions, etc. Thus, a company must consider all legal requirements before deciding on product labeling.

4) Description

By law, a product may not be required to print instructions for use on a product package. Some products use a manual to communicate simultaneously whereas others use the instructions for use in packaging.

If you bought Nor Soup, the package will tell you and give you specific instructions on how to make the soup. If you buy Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, the package will show you the general ingredients and calorie value as well as specific dietary instructions. Thus, in a description, we usually use instructions such as how to use, how to save, and so on.

5) Promotion

Buy 2, get 1 free. This is the kind of product label that you will probably encounter, especially during the festive season. If any promotion is printed in the package, it must be complied with. It comes to the notice of the customer immediately.

Quite simply, a large bottle of vinegar is promoting that you can get 33% more vinegar at the same price. Now, this is a promotion that will immediately grab the attention of customers. Keep in mind that in retail and hypermarkets, stores may not have promoters. At such times, labeling your product can become the last mile seller for your brand. A look at the product label can transform a potential customer.

6) Additional information

There may be additional information on the product, for customer use, which may be used for product labeling. Example - A packet of Maggie made of whole wheat may have a picture of a Maggie packet on top of the wheat. This figure will show that the product is healthy and can encourage customers to buy the product. Similar additional information, which may be a different factor may be used in the product.

In the age of e-commerce, product labeling has become very important because consumers are more likely to reject a product that they do not know how to use. So e-commerce sellers should make sure that the product label covers all the legal rules and promotes the product at the same time.

It should use proper usage descriptions, storage instructions, and various marketing strategies to encourage word of mouth. In short, research is needed when determining product labels.

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